Shalom. It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to Transfiguration Ministry Church . TMC is a Bible believing Christian Church, with its foundation rooted on the word of God. The Church started in March 18th 2018 in Maryland state, United States of America. Our Vision is to Conquer the world for Jesus Christ.

With a defined mission to expand the borders of the Kingdom of God through evangelism and outreach, and awaken the church of God in our world today. From March 2018 this Ministry has seen lives transformed, and numerous miracles. The ministry is expanding, has a branch in Burundi and soon in Canada , Belgium, Sweden, Namibia, Democratic Republic of Congo etc …. As God will lead his servants according to his promises.

We, the people of God at the Church of the Transfiguration, among whom the Spirit of Jesus breathes, accept our mission to proclaim and promote the Kingdom of God by sharing a Catholic spirituality based upon the Word, worship, service, and family.

Between demanding schedules, traveling, and trying to get out the door on time for Mass, it can be challenging to tithe on a regular basis as God calls us to do. Plus, for many families, the parish is one of the last places you still have to use a checkbook or cash.